Cathédrales (artist’s book)

Cathédrales is an artist’s book based on a spread of the cathedral in Bourges from a book published in the 1950s by the ministry of tourism to promote spiritual architecture in France. Aëgerter photographed this image over 100 times to capture the shadow of the window in her studio as it gradually covered the reproduction until the cathedral vanished into darkness.

The meditative process and the slow passing of time is incorporated in physicality of the work; the size of the publication determines the pace to turn the pages, requiring a degree of concentration that confronts the reader with their own understanding of time.

Through her interaction with existing material such as encyclopedias, documentary photographs and art reproductions, Aëgerter intervenes in the perception of her subjects and challenges traditional structures of knowledge.

Order Cathédrales artist’s book (edition : 490 books; Sold out)

Special edition sold out

Related projects:
Cathedrals at Sunset
Cathédrales hermétiques