Compositions catalytiques – Centraal Museum Utrecht series

Aëgerter gave a guided tour of several paintings in the collection of the Centraal Museum in Utrecht for a group of clients and supervisors from the Altrecht ABC group, a facility that offers ambulatory care for young people with psychotic vulnerabilities.
Curious about the participants’ extended and multi-sensorial capacities of perception, Aëgerter asked them to analyse the form and content of the paintings. With a range of basic materials, the ABC group worked on top of paper reproductions of the paintings.
The expressive and uninhibited works by the ABC group prompted Aëgerter to work with the paintings herself. Aëgerter reproduced the photos at their original scale after which she invited the young persons with psychotic weaknesses to give their personal interpretations of her artworks, on an individual base.
These interpretations resulted in audio guides, spoken by the the young people themselves, accompanying and playing an integral part of Aëgerter’s works.

This project is the result of a residency with ‘Het Vijfde Seizoen’ (the Fifth Saison), organised by the psychiatric care organisation Altrecht.

A year later Aëgerter followed up on this research together with one of the participants of the project.

Related projects:

Compositions catalytiques – Petit Palais series